Contoh Karangan Descriptive Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Karangan Descriptive Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Crickets are insects with interesting characteristics and behavious. Some of them are brown and the others are black. They have front wings are held flat over the body. Some species may not have wings. Crickets have antenae about as long as distance from head to end abdomen. Female crickets have long ovipositor in rear. Both sexes have cerci.
Crickets are omnivores and scavengers. They feed on organic materials as well as decaying plant material, fungi, and seddling plants. They live under rocks and logs in meadows, pastures, and along ringsides. Crickets become the target of spiders, beetles, bids, small rodents, and lizards. In other words, these animals are crickets predators.
To attract mates, males produce a sound made by rubbing their front wings against each other. The rsulting chirping sound is picked up by the female’s ears on her front legs. The chirping sounds are different for each speciesso that individuals can find their own species. Female crickets lay eggs in the sil with their ovipositor.
Crickets break down plant material, renewing soil materials. They are also an important source of food for other animals. On the other hand, they may injure seedlings and large numbers can be destructive. The songs of male crickets can bequite loud

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